What is Reiki?

Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the practitioner can channel universal energy into the patient by means of “hands-on” and also “hands-off”, to activate the natural healing processes encouraging emotional or physical healing.

Reiki healing technique was developed by the Japanese Dr Mikao Usui, “Rei” is defined as (Rei)Universal (Ki)Energy, it is all-knowing divine universal energy that animates all living things, flowing through everything that is alive (including plants, animals, and humans). It is used all over the world by people of many different faiths, cultures, and spiritual paths.

Reiki is an energy healing modality, where the practitioner acts as a conduit for universal energy, in order to rebalance and clear blockages in the chakras, or energy centers. It can help clear out blocked energy pathways, promoting equilibrium in the body and a sense of feeling grounded, with a deeper connection to the true self.

Reiki uses “hands-on” and also “hands-off/Beaming/Distance” healing, that can assist in relieving or reducing pain and discomfort by balancing the body’s energy centers, or chakras. It is a natural process that supports relaxation and healing by removing blocks to the flow of energy in your body, facilitating balance and support on all levels. When the energy flow in your body is restored and/or balanced, you are more likely to feel relaxed and your body’s natural healing abilities are utilized.

Reiki can be so powerful and effective because it infuses your chakras along with your body with the energy of the universe. Your body takes exactly what it needs at that point in time, and the Reiki practitioner’s role is to act as a channel of universal energy to help facilitate that healing, so that the body can heal itself. When you infuse Reiki into areas of the body that are energetically or physically weak, the healing process can begin as your body allows itself to fully release.

What should I expect during a Reiki session?

The System of Reiki is a Complementary, safe, vibrational / energy healing practice/therapy, that promotes balance in mind, body, and spirit. It is a painless, non- manipulative, non-invasive and does not interfere with any form of main stream or other alternate medical treatment.After the consultation/assessment, A complete Reiki session is offered to a fully clothed recipient who is lying on a treatment table or sitting comfortably supported in a chair. The practitioner invokes with the universe that we are a clear channel of Reiki energy, and that our spirit guides and the higher selves are fully present/ conscious .

Although different Reiki practitioners may have their own way of conducting a Reiki session, most practitioners will consult with their patient before performing a Reiki treatment. Not only does this build a connection between practitioner and patient, but it also helps the practitioner learn what the patient would like to address during the session.

Prior to the treatment the practitioner will feel your energy field by placing his/her hands over your body as he/she performs a scan known as a Byosen Scan. This will often enable a skilled practitioner to tell where there are areas in your energy field that may need healing before he/she begins the Reiki session. A subtle difference is felt in his/her hands at those areas. This procedure makes the session much more beneficial.

The practitioner will then place his/her hands above or lightly touch specific areas called chakras, places in the body where the energy flows through. This is never intrusive and you will begin to feel very relaxed as you allow the energy to flow to the areas where it is most needed by your body. It is at this stage that people usually begin to feel the stress lifting. It is a remarkable experience and for most the effects are immediate while others may not notice anything for a few days. Reiki therapy always works and the more open you are the more intense your experience will be.

If you are having problems in specific areas of your body, your Reiki practitioner may concentrate more energy there. Reiki always goes where it is needed most whether it is mental, physical, and/or spiritual. Many clients report that they have felt calm, relaxed, and sometimes even tingly sensation during their session. The experience creates more excitement and they always look forward to their next session. It is not uncommon for a client to present with pain and leave with none or very little, nor is it not uncommon for a client to report that they had seen bright colors or specific images. Reiki gives a relaxation but you cannot assume that each session will be the same.

Reiki symbols, which are like keys to the higher mind or consciousness, each have their own purpose. These symbols are only made useful to the practitioner once they are properly attuned. Reiki symbols can either be drawn physically, or inside the minds’ eye, prior to performing the Reiki session.

During the Reiki session, which is a full body experience, you may feel warmth, coolness, traveling of energy throughout the body, or simply feel total relaxation. I find that some people, who are more visual may experience colors or visuals. Others may take a nap. Conscious or not, the universal energy is working optimally.

Reiki healing usually begins at the top of the head and end at the feet, through each chakra throughout the session. There are major chakras and minor chakras, and the practitioner feels through each one, and may take some extra time in an area that needs special attention.

How do I choose a Reiki practitioner?

Just like any other profession, there are great Reiki practitioners, and not-so-great Reiki practitioners. But be sure to follow your intuition, because your intuition will never steer you the wrong way. When you’re dealing with energy work, it’s important to find a practitioner with whom you resonate, and feel trust. Check out their website and bios, if they are available.

For example:

  • What are your Reiki sessions like?
  • What can I expect during a Reiki treatment with you?
  • How can Reiki help me with my health concern?
  • What level of Reiki practitioner are you? (Depending on the style taught, there can be up to 4 levels of Reiki training, and it’s recommended to receive professional Reiki treatments from those who are at least Level II Reiki practitioner.)

It would also be helpful to check out their testimonials, if they’re available, and read their profiles and reviews, if they have them. But what it really comes down to is trusting your instinct, and finding a practitioner with whom you feel comfortable.

Visit our “Reiki Directory” page to find a practitioner in your area.

History of Reiki.

Reiki is believed to have been associated with Mikao Usui who is credited with rediscovering the root system now called Reiki. His tradition and methods were passed through several grandmasters of Reiki. Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese in Kyoto, Japan, rediscovered the root system in the mid- to late 1800s. He began an extensive twenty-one-year study of the healing phenomena of history’s greatest spiritual leaders. He also studied ancient sutras (Buddhist teachings written in Sanskrit). He discovered ancient sounds and symbols that are linked directly to the human body and nervous system which activate the universal life energy for healing.

Usui then underwent a metaphysical experience and became empowered to use these sounds and symbols to heal. He called this form of healing as Reiki and taught it throughout Japan until his death around 1893.

The tradition was passed through several grandmasters of Reiki, one of the lineage goes from Dr Usui to Dr. Chujiro Hyashi, Hawayo Takata, and Phyllis Lei Furumoto.

There are many forms of Reiki being practiced now. The two principal ones are: “The Usui System of Natural Healing” and “The Radiance Technique.”

The Usui System of Natural Healing balances and strengthens the body’s energy, promoting its ability to heal itself.

Reiki is useful in treating serious illnesses as well as others. Examples are: sports injuries, cuts, burns, internal diseases, emotional disorders, and stress-related illnesses.

Reiki was introduced to the Western world in the mid-1970s. Since then its use has spread dramatically worldwide.

Benefits of Reiki.

There are many wonderful benefits of Reiki. Reiki is a very simple process, but usually produces quite profound effects. The main purpose of reiki practise is not only to heal diseases, but also to promote a positive mind and healthy body so that people can experience joy in life.

However, reiki does not promise a miraculous cure from disease. Conditions that have taken years to manifest in the physical body cannot be cured in a few sessions. The person has to want to be well and will probably also need to make some lifestyle changes so that the source of stress and negative emotion (dis-ease) does not recur. It takes time for the Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual bodies to be brought back into balance.

Reiki unlike many modern day remedies works directly on restoring the balance on all levels and works directly on the problem and condition instead of just masking or relieving symptoms. Some of the benefits of reiki are as follows:

  • It dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit;
  • It increases energy levels;
  • It creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension;
  • It clears the mind and improves focus;
  • Accelerates the body’s self-healing ability;
  • Aids better sleep;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Helps relieve pain;
  • Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins;
  • Supports the immune system;
  • Helps spiritual growth and emotional cleansing;
  • Promotes creativity; and
  • Compliments medical treatment.

The great thing about Reiki is that one does not have to be ill to experience the benefits.

Reiki works directly on restoring the balance on all levels and works directly on the problem and condition instead of just masking or relieving symptoms.

Conditions Reiki can Treat.

Reiki can be a great benefit to many conditions by helping you deal with the pain, release emotions attached to the symptom and assist in healing the aliment. Some of the many conditions Reiki can treat are as follows:

  • Migraines;
  • Asthma;
  • Skin conditions;
  • Flu/Colds;
  • Ulcers;
  • Arthristic;
  • Anxiety;
  • Back problems;
  • Depression;
  • Low Self Esteem;
  • Poor Self Confidence;and many more;

When Can You Have a Reiki Treatment?

Reiki does not have to be a stand alone treatment. The great thing about reiki is that it can also be used:

  • When you are not ill but want a relaxing treatment;
  • When you just want a pick me up or to boost your energy levels;
  • When you are on medication;
  • When you have cancer or chemotherapy;
  • When you are going for surgery (before, during and after)
  • When you are bound with plaster of paris;
  • When you are in hospital;
  • When you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant;
  • or along with other complimentary therapies